The ACMS is closely monitoring the situation regarding COVID-19 (corona virus). While there are currently no cases of COVID-19 in Mongolia, the U.S. State Department issued a travel advisory for Mongolia on February 26, 2020 due to travel and transport restrictions related to Mongolia’s response to the outbreak in neighboring countries. Please visit the U.S. Embassy Ulaanbaatar's new webpage for the most accurate and up-to-date information: https://mn.
These closures add some uncertainty to travel plans for summer 2020, but preparations for the ACMS Summer Field School 2020 are continuing and no changes to the schedule or planned itineraries have been made. The Field School continues to accept applications and we plan to announce fellowships and program acceptances on the regular schedule.
The ACMS will continue to monitor the situation closely and places the highest importance on the health and safety of Field School participants and staff. The ACMS will announce any changes in status or program for the Field School via this website and ACMS social media accounts. If you have questions or concerns please email the ACMS at [email protected].