Virtual Speaker Series

We have started to bring back live events at our Ulaanbaatar office. We still plan to organize both virtual and hybrid events as well, and look forward to utilizing online platforms to include an ever-more diverse array of perspectives and experiences in our programming.

VSS | Bill Bikales

When: March 4, 2024 at 9pm EST / March 5, 2024 at 10am ULAT Meeting ID: 860 8576 2983 Passcode: 214752 Zoom link: Guest: Bill Bikales Language: English If you have questions for the quest you can send them to, make sure you put Question for Virtual Speaker Series in the subject line….


Онлайн цуврал илтгэл 2-р сар – С.Баясгалан

Хэзээ/when: 2023 оны 2-р сарын 1, 17:00 цаг (УБ цагаар), 04:00 (АНУ-ын зүүн бүсийн цагаар) Zoom холбоос/link: Meeting id: 830 0730 0516 Passcode: 301250 Илтгэл монгол хэлээр явагдана. Event language is Mongolian Сэдэв/Title: Монгол Улсын цөмийн зэвсгээс ангид статусын талаар On Mongolia’s nuclear weapon free status Хураангуй/abstract: 1945 онд АНУ цөмийн туршилт хийж, Японы…


VSS January 2023 | Dr. Raj Deep “Gauging the Importance of Electoral Reforms in Evolving Procedural Democracy in Mongolia”

Title: “Gauging the Importance of Electoral Reforms in Evolving Procedural Democracy in Mongolia” Event language: English When: January 7, 2023 11:30am (ULAT) 10:30pm (EST) 9:00am (IST) Zoom link: Meeting ID: 872 9900 9440 Passcode: 501311 Abstract: The central theme of the research paper is to analyze the democratic evolution especially the procedural aspect in…


VPS September – Batu: Historical Detective

Event Language: English When: September 30, 2022 Time: 8 pm ULAT, 8 am EST, 2 pm GMT +2 Online event Zoom link: In this new documentary film by director Rachid Nugmanov, Chinggis Khan’s favorite grandson, Batu investigates the mystery of his father’s death. Uncovering a conspiracy in his own family, he creates a powerful…


VSS September 2022 | Dr. Eric Thrift “Cashmere as cultural commodity: Exploring potential cultural indicators for ‘sustainable cashmere'”

ACMS presents Dr. Eric Thrift, our September guest for VSS, which will be in English. When: September 23, 8:00 pm (ULAT) 8:00 am (EDT) and 7:00 am (CDT) *Please note that times are a bit irregular than that of our previous sessions. Meeting id: 826 0573 9211 Passcode: 611351 Zoom link: Abstract The phrase…


АМСТ Онлайн цуврал илтгэл – 8-р сар | Б. Батсүрэн “1912-1914 оны Монгол цэргийн үйл ажиллагаа” | VSS August 2022 – B.Batsuren “Activities of the Mongolian Military in 1912-1914”

Please note that our August speaker for VSS will be presenting in Mongolian. We will upload an English subtitled version on our YouTube channel. Та асуух асуултаа коммент хэсэгт үлдээнэ үү/If you have questions for the speaker please leave them in the comment section Хэзээ/when: 2022 оны 8-р сарын 25, Пүрэв, 9:00 цаг / Thursday…


VSS June 2022: “Urtyn Duu and the Creation of a Mongolian Choral Idiom” with Joe Lerangis 7/20 09:00 AM (ULAT) 09:00 PM (EST)

This month VSS is being held in English. Zoom meeting ID: 879 2506 5101 Passcode: 022920 Link: Submit questions for Q&A at the end of the presentation in the comment section. Abstract: In a 2015 interview with D. Turmunkh for HiFi Records, the late Byambasurengiin Sharav stated that his composition of his first choral…


“БНМАУ-БНХАУ-ын 1955 оны ажиллах хүчний хэлэлцээр ба Монголын бодлого” 6/23 09:30 (УБ) 21:30 (EST)

Please note that our Virtual Speaker Series programming is alternating between Mongolian and English every month as part of our larger plan to support more Mongolian scholars. Our June VSS is planned to be organized in Mongolian, titled “PRM-PRC 1955 Labor Negotiations & Mongolia’s Policy” and the post-event recording will be uploaded with English subtitles….


Онлайн цуврэл илтгэл – Монгол Брахми бичиг

Хэзээ: 2022 оны 4-р сарын 20, Лхагва, 21 цагт Зүүм линк: Meeting ID: 862 0094 2395 Passcode: 782370 Илтгэлийн хураангуй: Монголчууд аль эртнээс хоорондоо харьцаа холбоогүй рүни, брахми, кидан, уйгаржин зэрэг дөрвөн зүйлийн монгол үсэг бичгийг хэрэглэж байжээ. “Бугатын хөшөөний бичээс” хийгээд “Хүйс толгойн бичээс” зэрэг нь  манай эриний VI  болон VII   зууны үеэс…


ACMS Virtual Speaker Series with Bolor Lkhaajav – The Future of Mongolia’s Foreign Policy: Opportunities and Challenges

When: Sunday, Jan 31, 2021 9:00 a.m. (ULAT) Saturday, Jan 30, 2021 08:00 p.m. (EST) Where: via Zoom Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 839 2910 9159 Passcode: 187612 About the Presenter: Bolor Lkhaajav is a researcher focusing on international relations, foreign policy, and contemporary national security issues in the Asia-Pacific. She graduated from the University of…


Mongolian Buddhism in the Modern World

Betsy Quammen, Manlai Chonos, and Marissa Smith

On Attempts to Algorithmize Pastoral Production in Mongolia

Dr. Marissa Smith

30 years after Mongolia's democratic revolution

Dolgion Aldar

Deciphering Dinosaur Growth

Dr. Badamkhatan Zorigt

What is The Future of Mongolia’s Rangelands and Herders?

Daniel Miller

Presenter: Dr. Tsendpurev Tsegmid, Vanjil Art Institute

Title of Presentation: Early Contemporary Art in Post-Soviet Mongolia” Where is Green Horse Galloping now?

Date: November 19, 2019

Presenter: Dr. Gantulga Bayasgalan, Mongolian University of Science and Technology

Title of Presentation: Collaborations between MUST School of Geology and U.S. Universities

Date: December 27, 2019

Presenter: Dr. Batsaikhan Ookhnoi, Mongolian Academy of Sciences

Title of Presentation: Rethinking Mongolian History: Mongolian National Revolution of 1911 and The Last Emperor of Mongolia, VIII Bogdo Jebtsundamba Khutukhtu

Date: October 15, 2019

Presenter: Dr. Ryan Allen, Simon Fraser University

Title of Presentation: Air Pollution, Fetal Growth, and Early Childhood Development | An Update from the UGAAR Study

Date: November 5, 2019

Presenters: Ms. Oyungerel Tsedevdamba and Mr. Jeffrey H. Falt

Title of Presentation: Novel “The Green-Eyed Lama”: English Edition

Date: August 16, 2019

Presenter: Dr. Saruul-Erdene Myagmar

Title of Presentation: What Happened in 1973? Attempts to Open Diplomatic Relations Between Mongolia and the US through Private Memoirs

Date: Sep 12, 2019

Presenter: Dr. Cynthia Horne, Western Washington University

Title of Presentation: Globalization and Women’s Empowerment in Mongolia

Date: June 18, 2019

Presenter: Brian Goldbeck, U.S. State Department (ret.)

Title of Presentation: President Bush’s 2005 Visit: A Bilateral Relations Milestone

Date: July 24, 2019

Presenter: Bjorn Reichhardt, PhD Student at the Central Asian Seminar of Humboldt University of Berlin

Title of Presentation: Down the Road: Contested Infrastructures of Development, Tourism, and Pastoral Dairying

Date: May 7, 2019

Presenter: Dr. Jennifer Lander, Lecturer in Law at De Montfort University of Leicester (UK)

Title of Presentation: “The State has forgotten its reason for being”? A socio-legal analysis of extractive development and state transformation in Mongolia

Date: June 12, 2019

Presenter: Dr. Enkh-Amgalan A, Center for Policy Research

Title of Presentation: Building Sustainable Livelihoods for Herders

Date: April 2, 2019

Presenter: Dr. Timothy May, University of North Georgia

Speaker: Christian Sorace, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Colorado College

Title of Presentation: Desiring the City: Cinema and Ideology in Socialist Mongolia

Date: March 5, 2019

Title of Presentation: Military Integration in Mongol Warfare: The development of Combined Arms Warfare in the Mongol Empire

Date: April 10, 2019

Presenter: Kristen Pearson | Fulbright Fellow at the Mongolian National Museum

Title of Presentation: Objects in an Ecosystem: The Ethnoarchaeology of Mongolian Hide and Fiber Crafts

Date: December 18, 2018

Presenter: Bayarsaikhan Jamsranjav, PhD, head of the Research Center at the National Museum of Mongolia

Title of Presentation: First Migration East to West: Conflict Between Two Major Cultures of the Mongolian Late Bronze Age

Date: November 20, 2018

Speakers: Dr. Ariell Ahearn, Mr. Stephen Lezak, and Mr. Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo

Title of Presentation: Introducing the Gobi Framework Project: Mediation Model for Sustainable Infrastructure Development’

Date: December 18, 2018

Presenter: Thalea Stokes | University of Chicago

Title of Presentation: Hip Hop Scene Among Mongols in Mongolia and China: Witnessing the Development of a New Tradition throughout the Mongolian Diaspora

Date: October 22, 2018

Presenter: Dr. Agnes Birtalan | Eötvös Loránd University

Title of Presentation: Black and Yellow Shamans in Mongolia in the 1990’s (On the Basis of Field Research Among the Darkhats and Oirats)

Date: November 6, 2018

Presenter: Dr. Bryan Miller | University of Oxford

Title of Presentation: In Search of “Commoners” in the Xiongnu Empire

Date: September 19, 2018

Presenter: Dr. Chantsallkham Jamsranjav

Title of Presentation: Herders’ indicators and ratings predict rangeland conditions in three Mongolian ecological zones

Date: October 2, 2018

Presenter: Dr. William Taylor | Postdoctoral research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany

Title of Presentation: Recovering Mongolia’s Frozen Past: Understanding Taiga and Alpine Prehistory

Date: August 21, 2018

Presenter: Dr. Joseph Bristley | Affiliate researcher, UCL Anthropology’s ‘Emerging Subjects’ project

Title of Presentation: The ‘festival of forty thousand horses’: number and value in the Mongolian countryside

Date: September 4, 2018

Presenter: Dr. Julia Clark | The founder of NOMAD Science, an Associate Director for Bioregions

Title of Presentation: Looting and Climate Change Threats to Mongolian Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Date: June 5, 2018

Presenter: Sanchir Jargalsaikhan | Political scientist, activist, and development policy specialist

Title of Presentation: Environmental Governance in Mongolia: Challenges and Prospects

Date: June 19, 2018

Presenter: Kim Dupont-Madinier | Fulbright Research Fellowship

Title of Presentation: Energy Efficient Gers for the Ger Districts

Date: May 8, 2018

Presenter: Jonathan Addleton| Executive Director of the American Center for Mongolian Studies | Former U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia

Title of Presentation: Mongolia and the United States: First 150 years

Date: May 22, 2018

Presenter: Petya Andreeva | PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania’s East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department

Title of Presentation: Fantastic Beasts on the Eurasian Steppes: The Politics of Burial Regalia in Iron Age Funerary Art along the Mongolian steppes and further west

Date: March 6, 2018

Presenter: Sam Bass | PhD candidate in History and Central Eurasian Studies at Indiana University

Title of Presentation: The Bound Steppe: Notes on Enslavement in Qing Mongolia

Date: April 17, 2018

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