Free Online Resources for Scholarly Research

In light of social distancing and other measures to protect against COVID-19, many organizations are offering their online resources to scholars around the world for free. We here at ACMS would like to share with you some of the in-house and external resources:

ACMS online resources:

This ACMS Speaker Series page has our video lectures related to Mongolia by scholars in diverse fields, ranging from politics, art, and military history, to public health, archaeology, and architecture. The presentation slides have been inter-stitched in full resolution during the video as a learning aid. Conversely, you can visit our ACMS Mongolia YouTube Channel to see videos of scholar interviews and program reports.

The Inner Asia Digital Archive currently has two major collections: Select Mongolian laws and regulations 1917-1940 and Muslim minorities in Inner Asia lecture series. Developed with the aim of providing scholars access to unique research materials and primary sources of information in cooperation with other local libraries.

The Tod Nomin Gerel Collection has 140 rare digitized texts of Oirat Mongols who held the Zunghar State in the West of Mongolia from 15th to 18th century. Most of these records were written in Todo bichig, and a small portion is in Tibetan. The records mainly comprise of Buddhist scriptures, folk tales, astrological manuals and myriad other teachings.

In addition, ACMS members have expanded access to the additional content that JSTOR and its participating publishers made freely available. ACMS members can access this from home by receiving the private ACMS link. The expanded collections are open until June 30, 2020, and are expected to increase as more publishers opt in for the cause.

  1. a) If you're a member of the ACMS, please email us at [email protected] to receive the ACMS pass for JSTOR.
  2. b) Please note that JSTOR also has a separate portal on Open and Free content on JSTOR and Artstor, available worldwide.

Partner Institutions’ Resources:

The Council of American Overseas Research Centers has a compilation of online resources, including free teaching modules, online lectures, digital archives, and podcasts from 25 overseas research centers, including the ACMS.

The National Library of Mongolia has been doing daily curation books from its rare books department. Livestreaming on its Facebook page every weekday at 10 am (GMT+8) since April 1, the Library curator Nyam-Ochir has showcased Khaany Altan Navchit Orgomjlol, or the “Monarchic Golden Leaf Proclamation” (1911), four volume “Toriin Uzel Barimtlal” or “State Principles” by Chimediin Demchigdorj (1863-1932), and three volume Mongol Bichig translations of “Ikh Khaany Ordond” or “In the Palace of the Emperor” by Albert Hermann (1923). 

Other Online Resources

The Humanities and Social Sciences online (H-Net) has created two new resources: Resources for Teaching Online to help scholars adapt to teaching online, and Remote Conference Presentations to give scholars an opportunity to share papers or presentations that were intended for now-canceled conferences.

ScienceDirect has made all Elsevier textbooks freely available online for the next three months.

University College London (UCL) has tweeted a list of temporarily available resources during COVID-19, and 12 of the 30 databases don't require institutional access.

Cambridge University Press has made all 700 textbooks on Cambridge Core free to access until the end of May. They are also producing free, online content for English learners/teachers to support distance learning for those coping with school closures.

Mongolia Journals Online by the Mongolian Academy of Sciences has 7 Mongolian scientific journals, and 1,144 articles and others, all available as full text.

Springer Nature has opened up COVID-19-related research articles from journals, relevant books, as well as additional commentary for worldwide access.

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