Call for Abstracts – Under Shared Blue Skies: Mongolia and the North American West

Call for Abstracts - Under Shared Blue Skies: Mongolia and the North American West

November 8-9, 2025 in Downtown Denver, Colorado

ACMS, in collaboration with Metropolitan State University of Denver and Ulaanbaatar-Denver Sister Cities Committee, are pleased to announce the following Call for Abstracts for the upcoming joint conference entitled Under Shared Blue Skies: Mongolia and the North American West, which is generously sponsored by the University of Colorado and Colorado State University. This conference is scheduled to take place in downtown Denver, Colorado - home to one of North America's oldest and most dynamic Mongolian communities - from November 8-9, 2025.

Since the early 1990s, the connections between Mongolia and the North American West have grown into vibrant, long-term bridges of knowledge and culture. A wide variety of research and creative scholarship connects Mongolia to the North American West, ranging from archaeology to zoology. At the same time, much of this scholarship is produced by members of Mongolian communities in the North American West. This conference seeks to bring together scholars, practitioners, students, and community members in the North American West who have engaged in or are simply interested in scholarship related to Mongolia. This will be a two-day interdisciplinary event to share knowledge and experiences while also providing opportunities for interaction and development of new ideas for collaboration.

We welcome submissions for short paper (10 minutes) and poster presentations, and encourage submissions from researchers, practitioners, and/or students who engage with research and/or creative scholarship related to Mongolia. Scholars from any discipline or field are welcome to submit an abstract. This conference is not strictly limited to the academic community, and we encourage participation by artists, educators, and members of the non-profit sector.

Key details are below, but be sure you check out the full Call for Abstracts here before you submit.

Important Dates

February 4, 2025: Call for abstracts
March 31, 2025: Abstract submission deadline
May 1, 2025: Notification of acceptance
TBD: Registration deadline for all participants

Instructions for submitting abstracts

Complete the online submission form by the March 31, 2025 deadline. You will be contacted by May 1, 2025 if your application has been accepted.

Submission requirements include:

  1. Presentation format (oral presentation or poster)
  2. Presentation title
  3. Abstract (250 words or less)
  4. Key terms (up to 5 words)

Conference Registration and Fees

Participants from universities and other large organizations: $50
Community members (anyone in Denver): $20 or $25
Students (any level): $10

Note: A separate registration form to submit payment for your attendance will be available soon.


Contact [email protected] or Sara Jackson Shumate, Ph.D. at [email protected] if you have any questions.

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