Institutional Services

a city skyline

The ACMS offers a wide variety of services in Mongolia to institutions, associations, government ministries and non-profit organizations:

The ACMS regularly sponsors and organizes academic conferences in Mongolia. Since 2004 the center has sponsored or organized over 20 international conferences, handling a wide range of logistical issues including advertising, arranging venues, developing schedules and content, identifying participants, and managing budgets. The ACMS generally organizes conferences on a fee-basis, and co-sponsors conferences with arrangements negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

In general, the fees for organizing conferences are as follows:

Member Institution
  • Small Event – $200
  • Large Event – $500
Non-Member Institution
  • Small Event – $500
  • Large Event – $700

These fees reimburse the ACMS for administrative expenses, and they do not include the direct expenses associated with running the conference such as venue, translator, and food costs. The ACMS will work with institutions and co-sponsors to develop budgets that accurately reflect the local costs of these direct expenses. The Center handles negotiation and procurement of items, and offers accounting services for tracking budget expenses. All fees can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis or waived in instances where the ACMS acts as a co-sponsor.

The ACMS is a not-for-profit, academic organization, and all fees go directly towards supporting administrative and programmatic expense at the Center.

Institutions planning to conduct group programs with students and faculty may utilize the ACMS as program partner and resource center. The extent of the ACMS’s involvement may vary from local source of information to full operator. It is the ACMS’s mission to promote academic exchange and education in Mongolia, and to provide institutions cost-effective and reliable assistance in administering programs.

To discuss program options or receive information about operating programs in Mongolia, please contact

The ACMS is a public resource center which offers computers with internet access, a reading room with study areas, and a library collection with over 5,000 volumes. Institutions sending groups of students or faculty to Mongolia should inform their groups of the services and resources available at the center. Students and faculty from ACMS institutional members are not automatically ACMS members, but institutional members may arrange memberships for program participants as an alternative to participants joining on an individual basis. Individual and student members receive several additional benefits and rights, and they are an important aspect of strengthening Inner Asian Area Studies. Although membership is encouraged, it is not required to utilize the center.

In addition, the ACMS can assist institutions by conducting orientation sessions, developing program content, applying for permits and clearances, supervising groups, arranging lectures, and managing budget expenses. The ACMS also offers language programs for groups taught by certified local instructors.

The ACMS encourages institutions and scholars with academic and research programs active in the Inner Asian region or related to the Mongolic peoples of the world to share information about their activities and events. The ACMS can advertise programs and activities in a variety of ways, including dedicated pages on the ACMS website and announcements in This Month in Mongolian Studies. To develop dedicated pages on the ACMS website, post an announcement on the ACMS website, or make an announcement in This Month in Mongolian Studies, please contact

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