Fellowships & Programs

Gers by Dune

The Field School is open to all participants, including undergraduate and graduate students, professionals, teachers and life-long learners interested in exploring aspects of Mongolia’s unique culture and geography. All participants will have the opportunity to learn field research techniques, conduct self-selected research projects, travel within Mongolia to urban and countryside areas, and gain a unique insight into the landscapes and people of Mongolia. For more information, click here.

The ACMS Field Research Fellowship provides support of up to $4,000 to support short-term student, post-doctoral, or faculty field research in Mongolia in the Summer or Fall.  The program is funded by the US State Department Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau and the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. For more information, click here.

The purpose of this online language program is to provide Intermediate-level students of the Mongolian language with an opportunity to enhance their communicative competence through systematic improvement of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The program entails 8 weeks of intensive study, and will be taught by experienced Mongolian language teachers. For more information, click here.

The ACMS Library Fellowship supports advanced US graduate students, faculty members, or professionals in library and information sciences from colleges and universities to conduct short-term library development projects and/or research in Mongolia for a period of up to 12 weeks. The program is funded by the US State Department Education and Cultural Affairs Bureau through a grant by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. For more information, click here.

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