
Tenth Annual International Mongolian Studies Conference

The Mongolian Cultural Center and the Embassy of Mongolia in Washington, D.C. co-organize a Mongolian Studies Conference every year. This year’s conference is scheduled for May 13 through 14th, 2016, at the Embassy of Mongolia and the Library of Congress. The conference is open to the public; however, attendees must pre-register and pay the conference […]

Putrefaction and Prototyping: the political economy of spatial and temporal transformation in Ulaanbaatar

Speaker Series:  Alex Skinner What can a single building in central Ulaanbaatar reveal about the bricolage of social, political and material transformations at play within in Ulaanbaatar today? In the wake of socialism and colonialism, a rich vein of transitology offers us array of concepts through which to render the potentialities of space, place, networks […]

Zorig Foundation Young Scholar Program Teaching Fellowship

The Zorig Foundation is currently recruiting college students and recent alumni from top American universities to participate as seminar leaders. In this role, you will expose outstanding Mongolian high school students to a liberal arts curriculum and provide guidance on the college admissions process. The week-long program will include extensive extracurricular activities, including a social […]

Deadline for Mongolian Field Notes

The ACMS is excited to announce the launching of a new online research publication called Mongolian Field Notes which will be available periodically tentatively starting May 1st, 2016. Mongolia Field Notes will communicate academic research about Mongolia to broader audiences. They are modeled on the successful Asia Pacific Field Notes produced by the Institute of […]

ACMS Annual Meeting

Please join us for our Annual Meeting, coming up on Friday, April 1st, 2016! This year's meeting will be in Seattle, in conjunction with the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) annual meeting at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel (1400 6th Avenue, Seattle). As usual, a reception, cultural program, and poster session will be held after the […]

Preliminary Results of the “Airagiin Gozgor” Project Research in Jargalant sum, Orkhon province

Speaker Series: Odbaatar Tserendorj In addition to historical documents, archaeological excavations are one of the most important sources for information on the ancient history of Mongolia. Results of excavations at the site of Airagiin Gozgor in Jargalant sum, Orkhon province will shed new light on Mongolian ancestors and clarify our understanding of Mongolia. This project […]

Deadline for NEH Summer Institute

Apply now for our NEH Summer Institute “Modern Mongolia: Heritage and Tradition Amid Changing Realities”! The institute is a four-week workshop (June 6-July 1, 2016) designed to provide 25 US undergraduate university and college educators with resources needed to be able to expand curricular offerings in East, Inner, or Central Asian Studies. The question of […]

The State and Fate of Mongolia’s Environment

Speaker Series: Caleb Pan Mongolia is uniquely located in the heart of the Asian landmass and as a consequence this geographic location facilitates one of the strongest continental climates on earth. Largely governed by its unique climate, Mongolia is a water restricted country. Despite Mongolia’s limited access to water, the country has been rapidly developing […]

Cultural Preservation and the Idea of Wilderness in Mongolia

Speaker Series: Dimitri Staszewski Based on his current research, Mr. Staszewski will be presenting recent videos and recordings showcasing how nature is the central theme and inspiration for Mongolian music and song. Examining the similarities and differences of music traditions from different aimags, he is exploring what makes local traditional music uniquely Mongolian. Dimitri Staszewski […]

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