Scholar's Corner
Latest Past Events
Speaker Series | Bill Bikales
The American Corner UB Public Library, Seoul Street 7, Sukhbaatar District, UlaanbaatarWhere/хаана: The American Corner Ulaanbaatar at UB Public Library ( Улаанбаатар хотын нийтийн төв номын санд байрлах АНУ-ын Соёл, мэдээллийн төв) When/хэзээ: March 25, 2023 at 2pm ULAT (2023 оны 3-р сарын 25-ны өдрийн 14 цагаас) Title/сэдэв: The Myth of Mongolian Shock Therapy Abstract/хураангуй: Over the last three decades a highly inaccurate view of Mongolia’s […]
“Музейн орчинд цахим контент бэлтгэх үйл явц” Танхимын сургалт
The American Center for Mongolian Studies is pleased to announce the first in-person event of “Cultural Heritage Colloquium'' focusing on “ Virtual content creation in a museum environment” workshop, co-organized by the Fine Arts Museum. Америкийн Монгол Судлалын Төвөөс зохион байгуулж буй “Соёлын Өв - Цуврал Семинар”-ын энэ улирлын гурав дахь дугаар “Музейн орчинд цахим […]
ACMS Virtual Speaker Series – Thirty years after Mongolia’s democratic revolution: A vicious cycle?
ACMS is pleased to announce we are organizing a virtual Speaker Series on YouTube! Tune in LIVE for our next Speaker Series on Tuesday, April 28 at 9:30AM (GMT+8)/)/ Monday, April 27th at 9:30PM (EDT) on our YouTube Channel ( By tuning in live, you will have the opportunity to ask questions directly from the […]