
Humanities Reading and Discussion Group, March 9th 2017

This group will meet every other Monday evening at 6 pm to discuss (in English) an article that was assigned and distributed the week before.  “Humanities” describes a range of subjects that study human culture including archaeology, anthropology, history, literature, linguistics, religious studies, and others. Articles will be selected by the ACMS Cultural Heritage Program […]

Humanities Reading and Discussion Group

This group will meet every other Monday evening at 6 pm to discuss (in English) an article that was assigned and distributed the week before.  “Humanities” describes a range of subjects that study human culture including archaeology, anthropology, history, literature, linguistics, religious studies, and others. Articles will be selected by the ACMS Cultural Heritage Program […]

Humanities Reading and Discussion Group

This group will meet every other Monday evening at 6 pm to discuss (in English) an article that was assigned and distributed the week before.  “Humanities” describes a range of subjects that study human culture including archaeology, anthropology, history, literature, linguistics, religious studies, and others. Articles will be selected by the ACMS Cultural Heritage Program […]

Humanities Reading and Discussion Group Oct 24th, 2016

This group will meet every other Monday evening at 6 pm to discuss (in English) an article that was assigned and distributed the week before.  “Humanities” describes a range of subjects that study human culture including archaeology, anthropology, history, literature, linguistics, religious studies, and others. Articles will be selected by the ACMS Cultural Heritage Program […]

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