Information Session: ACMS Mongolia Field School 2019
March 12, 2019 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Presenter: Dr. Charles Krusekopf | ACMS founder, board member, and faculty lead for the school
This information session is intended to share details and answer questions related to the ACMS Mongolia Field School 2019, funded by the Henry Luce Foundation. ACMS founder, board member, and faculty lead for the school, Dr. Charles Krusekopf, will introduce the courses and answer questions related to the program, application, fellowships, academic credits, etc.
ACMS will host an inter-disciplinary field school program from July 29 to August 16, 2019 in Mongolia. The field school is open to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and life-long learners interested in learning field research techniques and participating in research and activities that highlight the culture, history and environment of Mongolia. This program is open to Mongolian participants.
The three courses are:
- Northern Mongolia Salvage Archaeology and Public Engagement led by Dr. Julia Clark of NOMAD Science.
- Migrants, Migration and Contemporary Livelihoods in Mongolia led by Dr. Holly Barcus of Macalester College.
- Mongolia’s Energy Transition led by Dr. Darrin Magee of Hobart and William Smith Colleges and Dr. Charles Krusekopf of Royal Roads University.
For more information please visit: HERE