Collaboration between MUST Geology School and U.S. Universities
December 17, 2019 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
The School of Geology at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) has a long-standing tradition of cooperation with western universities, particularly with American universities since 1991. At the time when Mongolia shifted to democracy, the cultural, educational and scientific exchanges were widened with western counterparts. Here we will name Dr. Dan McKenzie and Dr. Peter Molnar from MIT and USGS colleagues namely David Schwartz and Carol Prentice as pioneers. They were the first to venture here since Roy Chapman Andrews, the renowned paleontologist from the American Academy of Sciences. From the Mongolian side, Dr. Bayasgalan Amgalan has been the leading scientist who invited these scholars into Mongolia and extended collaboration. Dr. Bayasgalan graduated with a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Earth Science at Cambridge University in the UK in 1999. He defended his thesis with the topic of “Active tectonics in Western Mongolia”. Dr. Bayasgalan started working at the School of Geology, MUST from 2000. Since working at MUST, Dr. Bayasgalan has attracted many US collaborated projects such as Geological “KECK consortium,” NSF funded projects, direct and proxy scientific and exchange programs as well as field excursions. These were very beneficial investments in our faculties, students and educational sector in general. Here I will briefly summarize the projects and programs in which our University cooperates with the American Universities and our joint scientific research results and achievements.
About the Presenter:
Dr. Gantulga Bayasgalan is a lecturer in the School of Geology and Mining Engineering, Mongolian University of Science and Technology. He is an environmental geologist specializing in the investigation of geologic-environment and human-environment relationships, geomorphology-active tectonics and earth surface processes. Dr. Gantulga utilizes a range of methods in his research, including field research, remote sensing and GIS analysis, geophysics and environmental impact assessment with focus on geo-environment. His main area of field research is The Khangay Mountains in Mongolia where he has been working since 2000. Dr. Gantulga has a BSc in Environmental Science from National University of Mongolia, and a PhD in Geomorphology from the North Carolina State University.